Premises Liability
Premises liability cases can often be defended successfully, and our goal is to conduct an appropriate investigation and ask the proper questions at depositions to obtain summary disposition. Our experience in handling premises liability cases enables us to engage in the type of focused discovery which can lead to resolution of a case by summary judgment, as opposed to an expensive and risky jury trial. However, when summary judgment is not obtainable, our attorneys are always prepared to try any case to verdict.
As a result of our experience handling premises liability cases, we are thoroughly familiar with the BOCA, ANSI and the other standards which relate to the construction and condition of premises. We have represented landlords, tenants, owners, operators, managers and other independent contractors in premises liability cases. We are familiar with many of the experts traditionally used by plaintiffs to try to establish a "dangerous condition" on the premises and keep transcripts of trial testimony, reports and other statements authored by these experts so they can be used in subsequent litigation.